The Communications and Information Technology Commission (C&IT) reported today that it has executed more than 24 million successful local and international telephone calls on the 8th of this lunar month (yesterday), a more than 99% rate of success. In a statement, it said that the size of data loading reached 1476 terabyte in addition to internet loading speed amounting to 24mgb/sec, an improvement rate of 94% compared to last year while the forwarding speed reached around 11megbyte'sec, an improvement rate of 42% compared to last year. The statement added that the individual daily use of data in Makkah was 301 megabyte on the 8th of Zulhijja, a double increase of the international level amounting to 150megaby, noting that YouTube, Snapchat, Facebook, Watts up and Instagram were the most applications witnessing the consuming habits.