Yemen's Minister of Local Administration and Chairman of Higher Relief Committee Abdulraqeeb Fateh has affirmed that King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Aid (KSRelief) distributed more than 76 thousand food baskets to 14 directorates in Yemeni governorate of Taiz, in coordination with the Higher Committee for Relief. The Yemeni minister said in a statement to Yemeni News Agency (SABA) that the center provided 161 relief projects in coordination with the Higher Committee for Relief through 85 local partners in all Yemeni governorates, including sectors of food, health, education, water, environmental sanitation, accommodation and a number of different development projects through United Nations organizations. He appreciated the active role of KSRelief Center in supporting the relief operation in Yemen since the beginning of the coup and that KSRelief Center supported all sectors related to the lives of Yemeni citizens in all governorates through the center's branch in the temporary capital of Aden in coordination with the Higher Relief Committee. The Yemeni Minister stressed that the government is working to secure the lives of Yemeni citizens and to improve the humanitarian situation and mitigate the disastrous effects of the militias in the Yemeni governorates in cooperation of brothers in the GCC countries and all donors.