The coalition command to support the legitimacy in Yemen said in a statement on Saturday, that the coalition helicopters carried out an air support operation in support of the anti-terrorism forces of the Yemeni army, which last night carried out primitive opreation as part of its tracking Al-Qaeda Orgnization's hideouts in the city of Mukalla, arresting a number of members and senior leaders of Al-Qaeda terrorist organization in the valley of Adem in Hadramout, from different nationalities, among of them (Ahmed Saeed Awad Barhamah), nicknamed Zarqawi, the prominent leader of Orgnazation, in Tawila area in the city of Mukalla. The operation also resulted in thwarting terrorist plots through confiscating various equipment,weapons. The operation is the second of its kind following arresting of Al Qaeda's second leaded in Hadramout (Abu Ali Al-Sairi) in Wadi Hadramout valley.