The dollar slipped in Asian trading on Monday, as investors locked in gains after its rise last week on growing expectations of a U.S. interest rate hike later this month, Reuters reported. The dollar slipped 0.2 percent to 113.88 yen, down from Friday's high of 114.75. The yield on benchmark 10-year U.S. Treasury notes slipped to 2.476 percent in Asian trading, from Friday's U.S. close of 2.492 percent. The euro slipped 0.2 percent to $1.0601, as investors monitored developments in France's election campaign. Against a basket of currencies, the dollar index fell 0.1 percent to 101.47. The Australian dollar slipped 0.3 percent to $0.7573 after it skidded nearly 1 percent last week as the greenback climbed on the Fed hike expectations.