The Ministry of Labor and Social Development has approved that a male or female house worker or the like shall have the right to transfer his/her sponsorship from an employer to another if it is verified that the employer fails to pay a three consecutive or separate month's salary without the involvement of the laborer, or he fails to receive the housemaid at her first arrival at the inlet port, or does not show up to receive her at the temporary accommodation house for 15 days from his/her arrival in the Kingdom, or fails to issue his/her a work permit license or fails to renew it for 30 days, starting from the date of its issuance or renewal. The Ministry has also approved a new organization following a decision issued recently and aimed to improve and accelerate the services that directly affect the attractiveness of labor market to house workers, organize labor market and give the chance to the house workers and the like to transfer services again in cases that they are not responsible for such cases. --More