A pod system for military aircraft sensors that enables sensor swaps in theater has been introduced by Northrop Grumman, according to UPI. The system is called OpenPod, an open-architecture-based system of line-replaceable units and a interchangeable sensors. Northrop Grumman says OpenPod is the first of its kind to accommodate a range of sensors with one pod. "The battlespace can change quickly. OpenPod keeps the complexity of the mission in mind by allowing warfighters to match the sensors to the mission quickly, giving them flexibility they have never had before," said James Mocarski, vice president, Airborne Tactical Sensors business unit, Northrop Grumman. "When you have OpenPod, you can have IRST, you can have targeting, you can have communications without having to acquire multiple pods. That gives our customers a significant affordability advantage." OpenPod will be available with targeting and IRST packages at launch, followed by communications, LIDAR, 5th-to-4th generation communications and other options later, the company said. "Because the pod allows for sensor changes without modifications to the aircraft or mission computer, OpenPod can be upgraded independent of the aircraft. That allows for more rapid and affordable upgrades and integration of new technologies." Northrop Grumman describes the OpenPod as the next step in sensor evolution for users of its AN/AAQ-28(V) LITENING family of targeting systems, which can be converted to an OpenPod.