The Saudi Embassy in Iran expressed profound regret and deep sorrow for the death of Habib bin Shaab Al-Bakheet, 33 years old, due to the fall of a chartered air sight-seeing plane over the north Iranian city of Ramcer the day before yesterday. In a statement issued here today, the Saudi embassy in Tehran said its representative arrived at the incident site immediately after receiving the news of the plane's disappearance. The Embassy undertook intensive contacts with the Iranian authorities until the body was found hanging to the nets of fishermen in the Caspian Sea coast city of Nacharod, in Tenkaben Region, at 4:30 a.m. on Monday, 20/04/1436H. The body of Habib Al-Bakheet has been handed over to his family after the completion of procedures followed by the Iranian side in such cases. The body was buried in Iran due to the consent of his family. In this regard, the Saudi embassy in Tehran has exerted great efforts for a quick arrival of the family of the deceased at Tehran airport, offered them the required reception in Iran, provided them with the necessary care, including accommodation and air tickets and saw them off at the airport upon departure following the burial of the body. The Saudi embassy expressed condolences to the family of the deceased, appealing to Allah Almighty to bestow his mercy on his soul.