Four death row inmates are suing Ohio officials over a new state law that shields the names of companies that provide the state with lethal injection drugs, AP reported. Attorneys for the inmates claim in a lawsuit filed Tuesday that the law violates their free speech rights by concealing the identities of those to whom they would like to direct their messages about the death penalty. They also contend it restricts information that helps inform the public debate over capital punishment. The new restrictions cleared the Legislature last week, and Gov. John Kasich signed the law Friday. They take effect in March. Supporters of the policy say shielding the names of companies that provide lethal injection drugs is necessary to obtain supplies by protecting the drugmakers from harassment. They argue the measure is needed to restart executions in Ohio, which were put on hold because of questions raised by the January execution of Dennis McGuire, who gasped and snorted for 26 minutes before he was declared dead. -- SPA 22:26 LOCAL TIME 19:26 GMT تغريد