Far too many migrants still live and work in "precarious and unjust conditions," U.N. Secretary Ban Ki-moon said Thursday. "We call for the fulfillment and protection of the human rights of the world's 232 million migrants," the U.N. chief said The post-2015 development agenda offers an opportunity to ensure that the needs of the poorest and most marginalized are made a priority. "To meet the new framework's core objective of ‘leaving no one behind,' we must devote greater attention to the precarious situation of the world's migrants," Ban said. The secretary-general highlighted the difficult conditions that many migrants face, noting that may risk their lives at sea while attempting to seek sanctuary, only to be met by detention, discrimination, and abuse, instead of empathy and protection. Children of migrants are particularly vulnerable, he said. "I call on states to ratify and implement all core international human-rights instruments ... as well as relevant instruments of international labor law," Ban said. "I also urge states to adopt comprehensive and human rights-based migration policies that promote legal migration channels."