AlHijjah 21, 1435, Oct 15, 2014, SPA -- As many as 22 out of 88 multi-nationals accused of belonging to one of the most bloodiest terror cells in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia were sentenced to varying terms of death penalty, deportation and imprisonment for embracing deviant expiatory thinking that is contradictory to the Quran and Sunnah (prophet Mohammed's sayings and deeds), disobeying the King's instructions of not joining terrorist-led fighting abroad, joining an extremist group inside the country, using the media to support terror cells and provide shelter for some wanted men, financing terror and terrorist operations, possessing weapons and ammunition without license and several other offences, receiving military training to fight the State, killing suspect persons to be enemies of their groups, keeping contact with deviant groups inside and outside the country, purchasing five tons of aluminum nitrates, booby-trapping vehicles to terror and kill policemen, committing suicide bombings inside the country, planning to explode oil pipelines and killing foreigners residing inside the Kingdom as well as prominent Ulemas, security officers, investigators, literate men, special emergency forces command and other grave crimes. A specialized criminal court issued here today preliminary sentences ranging from death penalty for one of them to different terms extending from five to 28 years behind bars. The session was attended by Ulema judges, general prosecutor, a representative of the human rights commission, media representatives and advocators. The convicted were given 30 days to appeal against the court's decisions.