AlQa'dah 17, 1435, Sep 12, 2014, SPA -- Opinion polls published on Friday indicated the Scottish referendum was too close to call, less than a week before Scots vote on whether to end the nation's 300-year-old union with the rest of the United Kingdom, dpa. An ICM poll for the Guardian put support for independence at 49 per cent, and support for the union at 51 per cent, excluding those who were undecided ahead of the vote on September 18. Hours earlier a poll by YouGov for the Times and the Sun newspapers found 48 per cent of Scots were set to vote for independence while 52 per cent said they would vote against. The polls appear to show that the pro-independence campaign's momentum has slowed. YouGov's previous poll, published Sunday, had put the independence camp ahead for the first time, with 51 per cent of respondents in favour of it and 49 per cent supporting the union. -- SPA 21:19 LOCAL TIME 18:19 GMT تغريد