Approval of the Center's regulations, rules, decisions and requirements necessary for its work relating to its financial resources and the work of its branches. 2- Preparation of a list of the names of the arbitrators in the field of competence of the center, from which the concerned parties can be briefed or select from it or others. 3- Setting guidance standards to determine the arbitrators' fees enrolled in this center and their expenses. 4- Creating - as needed - branches for the center inside and outside the Kingdom. 5- Taking the necessary arrangements regarding the issues within the jurisdiction of the center in all disputes that arise between people with natural or legal status. Fourth: The Center shall represent the Kingdom in the field of commercial arbitration domestically and internationally in coordination with the Ministry of Justice. Fifth: the Center shall have a fund to provide arbitration aid in accordance with the regulation issued by the Minister of Commerce and Industry. --More 16:08 LOCAL TIME 13:08 GMT تغريد