thirds of the Saudi labor force for June 2013, concentrated on the age group of (20-39 years), a percentage of 65,5 %. As for the employed males, the percentage was 61,6 % compared to 80.3 % for the employed females. The results of the survey also revealed that the percentage of the educated among the population in the Kingdom within the labor force stood at 98,6 % and the rate of educated among males reached 98,3 % compared to 99.4 % among females. Also, the results showed that individuals who had secondary certificates or its equivalent representing the highest percentage of the Saudi labor force by 33,2 %, followed by obtaining a bachelor 's degree by 31,9 % and males holding secondary certificates or the equivalent, the highest ratio among Saudi labor force of males, reaching 38,3 %, while the ratio among females focused on those holding bachelor's degree by 67.5 %.