Shares in web retail giant plunged almost 10 per cent in morning trading Friday after a poor earnings report from the holiday period rattled investors, dpa reported. Amazon's sales in the crucial retail period increased at the slowest rate since the depths of the recession in 2008, with the company's revenue rising 20 per cent to 25.6 billion dollars. At the same time, the company eked out a profit of 239 million dollars following several quarters of almost no profit or outright losses. Company executives also hinted that it would raise the price of its 79-dollar-per-year Prime membership programme in an effort to boost profits. Amazon Prime offers customers free two-day shipping and streaming video service. The company's shares were trading at 364.5 dollars in midday trading Friday, down 9.6 per cent on the day. -- SPA 20:57 LOCAL TIME 17:57 GMT تغريد