AlHijjah 24, 1434, Oct 29, 2013, SPA -- U.S. auto sales fell sharply in September lowering overall retail sales, but Americans spent more on other goods, according to a government report released Tuesday. Overall retail sales fell 0.1 percent, the Commerce Department said. That was the weakest reported retail sales since March. Auto sales fell 2.2 percent, the largest decline since October 2012, the department reported. Excluding autos, gas and building supplies sales rose 0.5 percent in September, up from 0.2 percent in August. Outside of auto sales, nearly all retailers reported higher sales including furniture stores, electronics and appliance retailers, and grocery stores. Americans have increased their spending modestly this year. But slower job growth and small pay raises could make consumers less inclined to spend more, economists said. The Conference Board said Tuesday that its index of consumer confidence dropped to 71.2 in October, down from 80.2 the previous month.