The Council shall control and supervise the activity of competition and have a number of tasks and functions, including the following: 1- Adoption of draft plans, policies and regulations regarding competition and submitting them according to the applied statutory procedures and follow-up of implementation after their approval, review, and evaluation and work to develop and modernize them. 2- Monitoring the market to ensure the application of the rules of fair competition. 3- Approval of measures of investigation, search and collection of evidence to detect practices against the rules of the competition based on a complaint or on the initiative of the board and the board can use the help of relevant bodies in cases that require it. 4- Spreading the culture of competition and knowledge about the rights guaranteed by the competition regulation and creation of an interactive channel through the internet between it and the community. Second: The Cabinet authorized the Minister of Interior - or his deputy - to discuss with the Georgian side a draft cooperation agreement in the field of fighting crime between the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Government of the Republic of Georgia and sign it in the light of the text attached to the decision and then submit the final signed version to complete the necessary statutory procedures. Third: The Cabinet authorized the Minister of Civil Service - or his deputy - to discuss with the Moroccan side a draft Memorandum of Understanding in the field of civil service between the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco and sign it in the light of the text attached to the decision and then submit the final signed version to complete the necessary procedures. --More 10:50 LOCAL TIME 07:50 GMT تغريد