A Somali man seeking asylum in Germanyunder a false name ended up charged with piracy after authoritiesmatched his fingerprints with those taken from a German ship hijackedin 2010, according to media reports Sunday. The unnamed man was arrested in the German city of Giessen afterthe routine fingerprint check, reported the Neue Osnabruecker Zeitungin advance of publication on Monday, dpa reported. Prosecutor Alexander Retemeyer told the newspaper that the man haspartially confessed and now faces charges of taking hostages forransom and grievous bodily harm. The man was allegedly involved in the hijacking of the MaridaMerguerite off the Horn of Africa in 2010. Twenty-two hostages werekept on board for eight months until a ransom of 4.2 million euros(5.5 million dollars) was paid at the end of that year.