Malaysia's ruling National Front coalition won the weekend's election, officials said Monday. The National Front won 133 parliamentary seats, seven fewer than previously, while the opposition People's Alliance won 89 seats, the final tally by the elections commission showed. The stock market surged by as much as 6.8 per cent Monday, after the polls were conducted peacefully, following a campaign marred by clashes, according to a report of DPA. Bursa Malaysia's benchmark FBM KLCI index rose by up to 123.76 points to 1,818.53 in early trading, but tapered down to 1,745.31 by midday, 50.54 points up from opening. Prime Minister Najib Razak hailed the election result, and called for "national reconciliation." "We are looking forward to reject political and racial extremism, and work towards a more moderate and accommodating environment." Malaysia has been governed by the National Front since it gained independence in 1957.