Tomorrow (Monday), the twenty-sixth of the month of Jumada II of the Hijri calendar, is the eighth anniversary of the Pledge-Allegiance of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdul- Aziz Al Saud. On this day in 1426 H., the Saudi people pledged allegiance to King Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud. The most distinguishing feature of the past eight years, has been the huge number of gigantic economic, social and educational projects. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia stands at the top of the pyramid of the countries that exceeded the limits of development by the Millennium Declaration of the United Nations in 2000. It is also on track to achieve a number of them before the proposed dates. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's experience in the era of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud has been characterized by seeking to achieve the Millennium Development Goals through integration of the Millennium Development Goals ( MDGs) within the objectives of the eighth and ninth development plans, and making the MDGs as part of the discourse of development and interim and long-term policies of the Kingdom. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia entered within the twenty major nations in the world as it participated in the summits of twenty which were held in Washington, London and Toronto. --More 11:21 LOCAL TIME 08:21 GMT تغريد