The Official Spokesman of the Governorate of Riyadh Region said that Prince Khalid bin Bandar bin Abdulaziz, Governor of Riyadh region, has directed to form a higher committee to investigate the incident which occurred on Friday evening, 2/6/1434 AH, at the National Festival for Heritage and Culture in Janadriyah between some men of the National Guard and some members of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice assigned to work at the festival due to miscalculations by some members of the two bodies who dealt with the incident since its occurrence until the situation returned to normalcy. The Spokesman pointed out that the Committee will be chaired by the Governorate's Undersecretary for Security Affairs, and the membership of the National Guard, the Commission of Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice; Commission of Investigation and Prosecution, and Riyadh Region Police, noting that the Committee held its first meeting at the Governorate's headquarters here on Saturday evening and will continue its meetings until the end of its works.