U.S. stocks closed higher Friday, with the Dow jumping more than 100 points to close above 14,000 and better-than-expected results from Hewlett-Packard and AIG pushed investors back into the stock market. The dollar gained ground against the pound, the euro, and the yen. Light sweet crude oil for April delivery rose 29 cents to $93.13 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Gold futures dropped $5.80 to $1,572.80. The Dow Jones industrial average gained 119.95, or 0.86 percent, to 14,000.57. The broader Standard & Poor's 500 index climbed 13.18, or 0.88 percent, to 1,515.60. The technology-heavy Nasdaq composite index rose 30.33, or 0.97 percent, to 3,161.82.