The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through the competent offices accredited by the Kingdom's missions abroad, is to take the necessary measures to obtain biometrics (fingerprint, picture or others) for visa applicants to enter the Kingdom including pilgrims and Umrah performers. 2- The Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Interior are to coordinate between each other to implement what has been mentioned in the 1st paragraph in accordance with the specialization of each. 3- The 1st para does not apply to holders of diplomatic and special passports according to the measures concerning it, unless that was an implementation of the reciprocal treatment principle or necessitated by the Kingdom's national interest. 4- In collaboration with the Ministry of Interior during the second year of approving this decision, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is to forward a report on what has been achieved in this regard. 5- The Ministry of Hajj is to coordinate with the Ministry of the Interior to benefit of the biometrics (fingerprint and picture) to verify identities of pilgrims." The Cabinet authorized the President of General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA) of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or his deputy to discuss and sign with the European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL) a draft agreement between the GACA and the EUROCONTROL regarding air navigation service fees. --More