Indian police and paramilitary troops have killed 19 suspected Maoist militants in two overnight gunbattles in the central state of Chhattisgarh, dpa quoted police as saying Friday. Seventeen were killed the state's Bijapur district, district police chief Prashant Agarwal told dpa by phone. Six paramilitary personnel were injured in the clash, and two were in "critical condition." Locals held protests, saying the victims were mostly innocent villagers. Agarwal denied the accusations. "They were Maoists, they were armed and had fired on security personnel first. A large number of arms and ammunition were recovered from the scene," he said. Two more suspected rebels were killed and five captured by security forces in the neighbouring district of Sukma early Friday, police officer Ajay Yadav said. Indian leaders have described the left-wing insurgency as the greatest internal security threat currently facing India. The rebels, operating in some of India's poorest regions, say they are fighting for the rights of tribal people and the landless.