Mitt Romney is poised to clinch the Republican presidential nomination after Tuesday's Texas primary, a largely uncontested election that will formalize the former Massachusetts governor's status as President Barack Obama's general election challenger in November. While Romney's nomination has been virtually assured for a month, the day marks the culmination of several years of work, according to a report of the Associated Press. "It'll be a big day tomorrow," Romney told reporters aboard his campaign plane Monday evening. "I'm looking forward to the good news." But Romney's focus Tuesday will be in Colorado and Nevada, where he's scheduled to court voters and donors and attend a Las Vegas fundraiser with celebrity real estate mogul Donald Trump. The Texas primary offers 152 delegates. Romney is just 58 delegates shy of the 1,144 needed to become the nominee. Republican rivals Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich already have endorsed Romney, while libertarian-leaning Texas Rep. Ron Paul has stopped actively campaigning.