MADINA: The Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the Kingdom have agreed to designate a single number by which they can make contacts through abbreviated numbers similar to the "Abyan" system used by banks. Priority will be given in the numbering to the chamber in Riyadh, followed by the chambers in Jeddah, the Eastern Province, Makkah and Madina. The other chambers will be assigned numbers in the order they are set up. The number for the Riyadh region will be 10, covering five chambers; the region of Makkah will be 20, also with five chambers, and the Eastern Province 30, covering two chambers. Tabuk, Al-Jouf and the Northern Border Province will be designated 40 with five Chambers, Qassim will be designated 60 for its four Chambers, while Asir, Najran, Jizan and Al-Baha, will be given the number 70 region for their total of six chambers. All members and staff of the chambers will be designated their own numbers matching their membership numbers registered with their respective bodies, enabling chambers to contact internally the numbers of private members. The number system, which is similar to the "Abyan" numbers used by banks to handle accounts through abbreviated numbers and contact other banks in the country and abroad, can be used for contacting government bodies and other official authorities as well as conduct external operations. The Chambers of Commerce have begun setting up the electronic system to handle the numbers to first come into operation for the three large Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Riyadh, Jeddah and the Eastern Province.