Some 50 selected students from various international schools in Dammam were oriented and lectured on youth leadership program for a period of one month by the Toastmaster Club. “The youth, the leaders of tomorrow, need to be groomed in a manner befitting leaders. One platform with a far-sighted vision that remains committed to communication and to taking the youth beyond barriers is the youth leadership program,” said Anil Madan, Toastmaster Club Area 32 Governor), during the graduation ceremony of the 52 students held at Dhahran International Hotel. Eight sessions of fun and learning through action packed workshops presented by expert speakers representing different Toastmaster clubs transformed the 52 students of different nationalities representing seven different schools “from the stage of wriggly caterpillars to confident butterflies.” After the sessions were completed, the students exhibited their newly acquired skills by organizing and conducting the graduation ceremony themselves. The guest of honor was Abdullatif Al Harthi – Division “F” Governor and the Chief Coordinator, Area 32. A magazine which was prepared in record time of one week comprising of articles, drawings, humorous quotes, etc. submitted by students was also released on the occasion. The entire program was sponsored by OASIS, Energy, Zamil and Cosmos Toastmaster Club and was supported by other four toastmaster coordinators, namely, Shaila Koya, Abraham Thomas, T.V. Sunder and Brindha Subathran. __