DAMMAM: The traffic authorities here will conduct a seminar to inform expatriates about the new Saher traffic system that is being implemented around the country. The seminar will be held today Sunday at 7:30 P.M. at the Shamiana Restaurant Auditorium at the Dammam Corniche. Captain Saeed Al-Asooj Al-Ahmary, a representative from the traffic department, will explain the rules and regulations of the Saher system to expatriates. One of the coordinators of the event, Khidr Mohammed, told Saudi Gazette that there will be a question and answer session so that expatriates can clear up any doubts they may have about the new system. “Thousands have been fined after the implementation of the system and most of it is due to [a lack information] such as the revised speed limits and other regulations,” he said. The program is sponsored by City Flower Group, Badr Al-Rabie Dispensary and Shifa Polyclinic.