JEDDAH: Qualified No. 10 with total nine games with handicap of 1,948 and No. 6 with 611 in the three-game semifinals, Ed Bolido opened with a high game and bowled consistently in the remaining two games to win the championship of the FEDBG-sanctioned Saturday Graveyard Bowlfest 8th season at the Bowling City here. Perfect-game achiever Max Salang topped the qualifying round with 2,288 and recorded the hi-game scratch of 279. Titlists Ruel Perez and Ferdie Coloma finished deadlock on No. 1 in the semifinals with 670 three-game series each. Previous seasons champions Arnel Bautista, Hani Daud and Ed Sardi?a were also finalists joined by Bobby Baraquel, Hano, Nestor Sa?osa, Zaldo Ambrosio and Ruel Santoc. Game One of the three-game finals was seen great struggles for better position for the six bowlers with Bolido pacing 241 behind early leader Sardi?a (248). Down till sixth place were Bautista (240), Coloma (237), Sa?osa (205) and Baraquel (202). With a 203 follow up, Bolido grabbed the top notch with 444 but closely threatened by Bautista's 441 and from as far as 7th place, Perez with a 246 explosion, surprisingly moved to third spot intimidating with 440. Sa?osa, Sardi?a and Baraquel stayed on striking distance with 416, 413 and 411 respectively. Unleashing his remaining power on the ultimate game, Bolido blocked all competitors with his 207 last blitz to be the champion of this SGYBF 8th season on final tally of 651. Perez enabled to clinch bridesmaid with 636. Sa?osa, who got startled by Ambrosio for a deadlock at 631, clinched third place via rule of consistency. Ambrosio's sudden inclusion to the winning column was caused by his 241 chase that foiled Coloma who also did his best but failed with 629 on a 232 garnishing. Meanwhile in the ongoing 9th season, Bautista led the race for top qualifier with 2,110 followed by Perez (2,065), Bolido (2,062), Fully Tabio (2,029) and Salang (1,987). Bautista and Edison Arena currently hold the record for hi