JEDDAH: The word “housemaid” generally comes prefixed by the oft-unnecessary clarification “Asian” in the Kingdom, yet such were the circumstances of Umm Rahaf that she felt compelled to venture into territory not usually reserved for Saudi women and become a domestic housemaid. The 26-year-old mother of five was married off when she was 14 years old to an “elderly man”, but he later deserted her and forced her out of her home, taking with him the identity documents of their children. She now survives on the 800 riyals a month she earns as a domestic housemaid, assisted by the same amount again from social security. “My husband won't pay any alimony or give the identity papers back,” she said. “That means the children can't go to school.” She has siblings, but they too refuse to help her. “My health is getting worse. I need to find a better job to properly care for the children,” she said. “All I want is to lead a dignified life, providing them with food and shelter.”