The preservation of the environment constitutes one of the most important features of development and advancement, and represents a proper understanding of the environment's social and cultural value. Preservation of the environment is a pivotal issue for societies working to lay down long-term strategies for sustainable development in order for a catastrophe-free living environment. The fourth Islamic Conference of Environment Ministers - chaired by Prince Turki Bin Nasser Bin Abdul Aziz, head of the Meteorological and Environmental Protection Administration - which concluded in the Tunisian town of Al-Hammamat Wednesday, gave its approval for ideas within a strategy to study disaster management and the consequences of climate change in the Arab and Islamic World. There are also moves towards making greater use of clean and renewable energy and use a data system to promote wider understanding of environmental issues in the age of globalism. The approval for a disaster management strategy and for the establishment of an Islamic Center for Environmental Data will help produce a living environment able to withstand dangers and disasters. It will also make the preservation of the environment a cornerstone issue through sustainable development within an Arab and Islamic framework of cooperation. __