Qur'an recitation as ringtones What is your opinion regarding using Adhan or the recitation of the Qur'an as a ringtone instead of music? This is degrading (or misusing) the Adhan, Dhikr, and the Qur'an. They should not be used as alarms (i.e. ring tones). The Qur'an is not to be taken as an alarm! It might be said: “This is better than music!” OK, but are you forced to use music? Don't use music and put something that is an alarm tone (i.e. normal ringing). Something that does not contain music or the Qur'an. It should only be a simple ring. Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan Liqa' Maftooh Cheating employer not permitted I have a relative who works as a telephone operator. He sometimes transfers long-distance calls for me for free, without letting his employer know that he does so. Am I sinning, even though the company is well-off and isn't affected by what we do? This practice is unlawful unless your relative obtains permission from the company; it is treachery on the part of your relative. Sheikh Bin Baz Fatawa Islamiyah, vol. 8, p. 87 Truthful jokes are permissible As long as we are not mocking the religion, are we permitted to make jokes in Islam? As long as you are truthful in your humor, and as long as you do not go to excesses, humor, witticisms, and jokes are permitted in Islam. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) showed humor, but he would only speak the truth. But if you lie when you make a joke, remember this Hadith: “Woe to him who tells lies so that others may laugh ...woe to him, and again woe to him.” (Abu Dawood, no. 4990, At-Tirmidhi, no. 2315) Sheikh Bin Baz Fatawa Islamiyah, vol. 8, p. 291 __