A panel of three senior judges has been formed for the much-awaited trial of terrorists arrested for taking part in a series of terror operations across the country. The trials are expected to take place after the Eid break in mid-September in Riyadh and Jeddah, judicial sources said. The panel includes two senior judges from Jeddah courts and one from Riyadh courts, supported by an additional group of judges, and a 15-member administrative team. The panel will start the trials in Jeddah and then move to Riyadh after four months for further trials. In addition to the three senior judges, three judges will help kick off the trials in Jeddah. The number of judges involved in the trials is expected to increase to 12 by the end of 2010. A team of the Bureau of Investigation and Prosecution (BIP) are preparing the list of charges against the detained persons on terrorism cases. One judge will be tasked to look into individual cases for which capital punishment is not being asked for by the General Prosecutor. Cases of suspects connected to terror networks or have the death sentence demanded by the General Prosecutor will be looked into by three judges. Suspects will have the right to legal representation before the court. The panel is now reviewing the files and list of charges already prepared by the BIP. The trials will be public unless the judge or the plaintiff believes otherwise, according to item 64 of the Saudi Judicial Defense Procedures.