Security authorities in Jeddah have arrested three women and a man who stole money from gas station attendants – after sleuths watched one crime unfold, police said. The suspects would rob people by having one woman tell attendants that she needed change for a large bill. When they counted out the change, she grabbed their cash and the culprits sped away in their car, police said. The last of these crimes took place at a gas station in Al-Baghdadiya District here. The attendant gave police a description of the car and the Pakistani driver, said police, who deployed Criminal Investigations Department teams to look for the car and the suspects. During their surveillance, one team noticed a car that matched the attendant's description and watched the driver go to a gas station and, just as the attendant had described, a woman opened the rear window and asked the worker there to change her money. When the worker took his bundle of cash out of his pocket, the woman tried to snatch the money, but CID men foiled the attempt and arrested the suspects, police said.