Police arrested Saturday seven Yemeni nationals accused of robbing a store in Al-Balad District in Jeddah's central area. The gang – all between 20 and 30 years of age – allegedly managed to create openings in the ceilings of two stores. They had stayed in abandoned apartments above the two stores and spent three nights digging with small tools until they finally gained entry. They stole a large safe and fled. The Al-Balad Police team, led by Colonel Rashed Al-Subaiee, lifted fingerprints, examined the scene, and sent agents to monitor several significant locations in the area. Investigations led to information that an illegal Yemeni resident named Haem was spending money lavishly despite his modest financial situation. He was connected to the crime when he was fingerprinted. He later confessed and led the police to the rest of the gang, who are all illegal Yemeni nationals. Colonel Misfer Al-Juaid, Jeddah Police spokesman, said the seven suspects will be detained until their trial.