Google, which has stood by its early motto of “Don't be evil” while growing into a $160 billion media colossus, was hastily trying to shore up its reputation last night, as it faced a torrent of criticism from campaign groups and individuals venting their anger on Twitter and on blogs. The company denied that it will sign any deal to buy fast-lane access for its own traffic, which includes bandwidth-heavy videos from its loss-making YouTube site. But the agreement between Google and Verizon is meant to lay ground rules for the treatment of Internet traffic by the phone and cable companies over whose networks the data travels. Although the exact terms were shrouded in mystery, it was clear that the outline they have agreed introduces exemptions to the principle of net neutrality, including the opportunity for telecoms operators to offer “premium services” to some Internet companies. Eric Schmidt, Google's chief executive, told reporters yesterday that the company has been “talking to Verizon for a long time about trying to get an agreement on what the definition of net neutrality is”. Under the deal, Verizon will not block or slow Internet traffic over land lines, but could do so to wireless devices, which are increasingly important ways for consumers to access the Internet. If the Google-Verizon deal is made public, the support of the most powerful players on either side of the debate could immediately make it the de facto standard for managing Internet traffic in the future, and is likely to win enough backing on Capitol Hill to be signed into law. It would also have resonance across the world, as similar debates about the future of the Internet are taking place in most developed countries. Telecoms companies argue that being allowed to charge more to heavy-traffic Internet companies will bring in the money needed to increase network capacity. Opponents fear a two-tier web, in which start-up companies and individual bloggers will be frozen out, and where prices for consumers could rise sharply. Josh Silver, of the advocacy group Free Press, said a Google-Verizon deal was the “doomsday scenario” that had been feared for years.