Five Filipinos, including four members of a family, died in a horrific accident in Al-Ahsa last Wednesday. One survived the accident and is now confined at the King Fahad Hospital in Al-Ahsa. The dead were identified as Robert Demetillo and his wife Elizabeth Demetillo, both 61 years old, their daughter Joyce Demetillo Hasan, 36 years old, her five years old son Aldwin Hasan, and compatriot Generoso Tejada. The only survivor in the tragic accident was 46-year old Pedro Ibanez. The victims were on their way to the King Fahd International Airport in Dammam to take Joyce Demetillo Hasan and her son Aldwin who were departing that night for their annual vacation to the Philippines when the accident happened, according to Philippine labor attaché David Des T. Dicang who is now closely monitoring the case. “It is indeed a very tragic accident, and we are doing all we can for the victims,” Dicang said. Dicang, together with Filipino community leader Ronnie Sitchon, visited Iba?ez Sunday, the lone survivor of the accident. With Dicang and Sitchon during the visit was Ahmad Al-Muhaissen, a supporter of the Filipino community in Al-Ahsa. Ibanez suffered a broken leg and have several body injuries. He related to the labor attaché that he was seated near driver's seat with his seatbelt placed and was half-asleep. He said when he woke up he was already in the hospital. According to Al-Ahsa traffic police report, a car driven by a 19-year old Saudi coming from the opposite lane crossed the highway and plowed through the Trail Blazer SUV the victims were riding and other cars, resulting in a pileup of seven vehicles. Police reports said there were other fatalities, including the 19-year old Saudi driver. Joyce Demetillo Hasan was a nurse at the National Guard Hospital in Al-Ahsa, while his father Robert Demetillo was working with Tri-Star Company, a vehicle service company. The remains of Roberto Demetillo and his wife Elizabeth are now kept at the King Fahad Hospital, while those of Joyce Demetillo Hasan and her son Aldin are at the National Guard Hospital. The Demetillos are from Midsayap, Cotabato in Mindanao, Philippines.