Uighur tightrope walker Adili Wuxor is in for a big let-down - his Guinness world record claimed last week was not actually recognised by the London-based Guinness World Records. Instead, the certificate he so proudly received Friday after spending 60 days living in and tightroping across the Bird's Nest stadium in Beijing came from Shanghai Great World, which styles itself as the “China record headquarters”. Its Chinese name of “Jinisi” sounds very similar to the Mandarin pronunciation of Guinness, but the firm is not part of Guinness World Records. “No, not really,” Adili Wuxor's agent Alimu told Reuters by telephone when asked if the feat had been recognised by Guinness World Records. “It was awarded by Shanghai Great World.” Guinness World Records said in a statement it had had no contact with Adili Wuxor and had never given him any kind of certificate. “However, we are available to him if he wishes to apply for an official Guinness World Record,” it added. Guinness said the record was held by Jorge Ojeda-Guzman of the U.S. state of Florida, who spent 205 days on a wire 11 meters (36 ft) long and 10.7 meters (35 ft) above ground between Jan. 1 and July 25, 1993.