This narrative will be confined to travel on earth only, although man is now capable, under the right circumstances, of traveling into space- and soon beyond. My very first comment to all readers is that all travel should be begun when you are as young as possible, when you have the money, the time - and especially the health. Time for travel is of the essence! Millions wait too long (especially in the developed countries), “I will travel when I retire, when I have lots of money…” Lo and behold these older men and women are seen getting on (just barely) luxury liners and cruise ships… but, are never seen getting off… They suddenly die from sudden ill health and never fulfill their dream at more than ripe old ages. They leave the ship, yes, but not on their own two feet. In addition, they have not even enjoyed what they have managed to see as they spent most of their time in the toilet or on their back. When you are young, earn and travel, earn and travel, earn and travel! Anyone in today's world has the ability to get out and GO! ‘Waiting' is a fool's game, be realistic and enjoy the ways and byways and boulevards and avenues of the earth. Experience the West and experience the Middle East, experiment the known and unknown, the large and the small, and don't forget the armies and masses of widows that travel too late, when they are wrinkled and kept together by the grace of ‘cosmetics'. Too late for them! They sit tight-legged on decks of elegant ships all over the world staring into a bland horizon. While you are young you can recover from a flawed risk, not so when you are on the edge of being pre-historic and with no more oil left to navigate from one door to the next! Money is necessary but not crucial for traveling when you are agile and full of life and have a spunky spirit!!!! Don't heed to family and friends - let them follow a dry life of false ‘security'! Fall and trip on The Spanish Steps in Rome, Italy… Get lost in the Black Forest in Germany… Swim in a canal in Venice, Italy with a pigeon… Set your watch to the correct time in Greenwich, England…. Tickle the stomach of a horse during the changing of the guards in London, England… Go skating in St. Marks Square in Venice… Visit the airline industry in Toulouse, France… Kiss a duck in Holland, anywhere……!!! Climb a pyramid in Mexico and or Egypt…. so many normal experiences to explore all over the place. Remember that travel itself is one of the ‘wonders of the world'. Enjoy your youth, relax when you really need it. Priorities should fall into the right sequence of life's events. __