Locals say it could be the final resting place of Ajax's niece, contain a golden chariot and will unleash a horrible curse. But whether a tomb recently uncovered on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus contains the bones and booty of a close relative of a Trojan war hero or will just yield better evidence for understanding the lives of ancient Greeks is yet to be revealed. Construction workers in the eastern coastal town of Paralimni literally stumbled onto a rare unlooted tomb dating back to the ancient world. Beneath the road's surface, a burial chamber will now give experts the opportunity to understand the life of the ancients. At least four clay coffins were found, along with the usual offerings of pottery and glassware. Local press have carried wild claims that the tomb belongs to an ancient princess, the daughter of King Teukros of Salamis. Legend has it that the king - whose brother was Ajax and uncle was King Priam - ordered that his daughter be buried along with her golden throne and chariot at the point where the sun meets the sea.