Jeddah Health Management announced Saturday the launch of its second polio vaccination campaign for children under the age of five. The Ministry of Health is planning to announce a free polio society through a number of efforts, part of which is the vaccination campaign. On Friday, Imams in many Jeddah mosques drew attention to the campaign and urged parents to help protect their children against polio. Director of Jeddah Health Affairs Dr. Sami Badawood said all primary health care centers in the city neighborhoods and suburbs have been equipped to administer polio doses to children, who can be brought for vaccination any day during the campaign period from 4:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. Dr. Noha Dashash, Assistant Director for Primary Health Care Department and Preventive Medicine, said vaccination teams will also visit mosques, malls and other public places for the convenience of the parents. “Teams will also visit homes to make sure that all children from one-day-old to five years of age have been vaccinated,” Dr. Noha Dashash added. During this year's first anti-polio campaign, which took place two months ago, Jeddah Health Affairs opened all its medical centers to receive children. It also erected some 150 tents in different parts of the city for this purpose.