After refusing to answer a question on a new accusation of cheating in the May 10 polls, Malaca?ang's chief spokesman lashed out at media Saturday, saying that the question should be thrown to the one making the allegation. Presidential spokesman Ricardo Saludo told media to throw back to Makati Rep. Teodoro Locsin Jr. his claim that the Palace was behind a so-called whistleblower on poll fraud. “Why are you asking me that, he was the one who said it?” Saludo said in a raised voice when interviewed on government-run dzRB radio. Locsin on Friday claimed a Malaca?ang “insider” was behind the so-called poll fraud whistleblower, who has been dubbed “Koala Boy” in the media. The koala-masked man claimed massive fraud occurred during the May 10 polls. For his part, deputy presidential spokesman Gary Olivar on Friday called Locsin's claim “unsubstantiated and illogical.” But Saludo, when asked Saturday about what Locsin's motives could be, blew his top. “Well don't ask us, ask Congressman Locsin,” he said. He said he would not answer the question because it would be dignifying a baseless claim. “Your editors should tell whoever did that reporting they should ask Congressman Locsin,” he added. Saludo even said media should throw back questions at the accuser, saying the media would have asked Malaca?ang for proof if it made accusations against anyone. “Why cant your reporters covering Congress do the same thing?” he said. Saludo eventually apologized to the anchors after the interview. “I am sorry the discussion became heated,” he said.