Madina Police chief Awad Al-Sarhani has said that expatriates are not responsible for the increase in crime and suggested that claims blaming foreigners are exaggerated. “Crimes are committed by both expatriates and nationals,” Al-Sarhani said. “The increasing dependence on expatriates of various nationalities is necessary for the current rapid development of the country. They do not commit as many crimes as some people say.” Al-Sarhani was speaking following a meeting earlier this week involving all public security authorities to address a variety of security issues in the city and province, and also remarked on his force's response to foreign workers gathering to protest their employers' failure to pay them, in the light of several recent occurrences in Madina. “Our role is to maintain security, and that includes dispersing unlicensed gatherings,” he said. “We don't, however, interfere with workers' problems with their companies as another body is responsible for that. We disperse unlicensed gatherings and ask protesters to make their demands through official channels so that they reach the relevant authority.” Commenting on the meeting, Al-Sarhani said that one of its foremost concerns was the increasing rate of traffic accidents. “The meeting sought to bring about greater collaboration and coordination,” he said. “Although the province is not the Kingdom's worst, accidents are on the increase due to reckless driving. Plans were drawn up to identify irresponsible motorists.” He also described security at the Prophet's Mosque as a top priority and noted that the site is protected by 585 24-hour surveillance cameras. The remark came in the light of the arrest in February of a 30-year-old man acting suspiciously during Friday prayers and who was later found to have knives in his possession. The police, Al-Sarhani added, received the full cooperation of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice. “We work together and coordinate,” he said. “There's no conflict of responsibilities as we both work in the public interest and for security, each mindful of its own jurisdiction.” Madina Police has faced criticism from locals for failing to respond sufficiently to a series of mass youth brawls in the city, but Al-Sarhani denied the phenomenon was on the increase. “First of all these fights are not increasing and Madina Police contains them and handles them properly as and when they occur,” he said. “Secondly, anyone who provokes them is arrested and referred to the relevant authority for deterrent punishments. Young people should invest their free time in constructive activities. The Mayor's Office has opened parks and playing fields all over the city.”