The Election Commission of India Thursday issued notices to two more ministers of Andhra Pradesh for allegedly violating model code of conduct. Minister for home K. Jana Reddy and minister for major irrigation P. Laxmaiah were issued show cause notices for holding a meeting in a government-run school. The poll panel took strong exception to the ministers holding the election meeting at a school in Warangal district. The ministers have been asked to send their replies by Saturday. Model code of conduct is in force in Warangal and nine other districts, where, by-elections to four Lok Sabha and 18 assembly constituencies are scheduled to be held on May 29. Meanwhile, Jana Reddy told newsmen that he was yet to receive a notice from the election commission. This is the latest in a series of notices issued to state ministers and officials for violation of model code of conduct. The commission had ealier issued notices to Minister for rural Development G. Chinna Reddy and Minister for Agriculture N. Raghuveera Reddy. __