Prince Khaled Bin Sultan, Assistant Defense and Aviation Minister and Inspector General for Military Affairs, says that there is “no relationship between my visit to Kuwait and [that country's] announcement on dismantling an Iranian spying cell”. He was speaking at the graduation ceremony of soldiers from the “Higher Military” course of the armed forces in Riyadh, Sunday. He was representing Crown Prince Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz, Deputy Premier, Defense and Aviation Minister and Inspector General. Prince Khaled added: “The Iranian exercises in the Gulf waters are no cause for any concern on our side. We carry out exercises and they and other countries carry out exercises. Every country must train its armed forces.” Meanwhile, Prince Khaled said the military college is an essential part of teaching a “higher level of tactics and strategies”. He said the coming period will witness senior political security officials undertaking these high level courses. Answering a question, Prince Khaled said there was a possibility of constructing a separate building for the military college. “This is under study. We will do what is in the interests of the country.” He said it would depend on the budget available and demand for the courses. Maj. Gen. Muhammad Bin Awadh Suhaim, Commander of the Command and Staff College for the Armed Forces, said the objective of the course is to train elite armed forces officers on planning, command and administration of military operations at the operations and strategic levels; to conduct research and studies that serve military strategy; and support the Kingdom's national strategy.