An illegal Yemeni national, who was previously deported from the Kingdom, was caught red-handed by the police in a house where he had set up a liquor distillery. The Yemeni, known as Obeid, had set up the distillery in a house he had previously lived in. However, a field team of the Criminal Investigations Unit of the Jeddah Police managed to find out about his activities in Jeddah's Kilo 7 area. The unit was tipped off about his activities. The authorities sent a number of undercover agents into the unplanned district and the house was kept under surveillance. The agents noticed suspicious movements at the house, including visits by people late at night who left with black bags. The unit's agents arrested one of Obeid's dealers, who confirmed that he was running a liquor distillery with the help of his brother. The unit raided the house and arrested Obeid, his brother and some of their acquaintances. The house was so dilapidated that it appeared to be deserted. The bootlegger had allocated two rooms for manufacturing liquor which he separated from the other rooms with a dark curtain. The nabbing of the alleged bootleggers was observed by Maj. Ali Al-Ghamdi, Director of Jeddah Police, and supervised by Lt. Col. Muhammad Nahar, Director of the Criminal Investigations Department (CID). Col. Misfer Al-Je'aid, spokesman of Jeddah Police, said the authorities arrested four suspects.