Four persons who falsely claimed to be members of the Commission for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (the Hai'a) and beat up a 20-year-old man earlier this week have been questioned by the organization and police. Bandar Aal Mifreh, spokesman for the Hai'a in Asir, said the four had been investigated and had “signed undertakings” following the incident in which witnesses saw them pursuing the victim of the attack by car along the Mahayel Asir to Abha road and forcing him to stop at a shopping mall. When the four started to attack the man, witnesses said they attempted to intervene but were told to step back when the four informed them they were members of the Hai'a. The four failed, however, to produce identification and were not in the company of a police officer as required by regulations. All five persons involved in the incident were questioned by police.