year-old woman and a two-year-old baby suffocated to death and six people sustained injuries as the result of a massive fire that broke out in an apartment in Al-Rabwa District Sunday. The injured people are members of the family living in the apartment and relatives who were visiting. They were moved to a nearby hospital suffering from severe smoke inhalation and slight burns, said Civil Defense spokesman Captain Abdullah Al-Amri. Director of the Civil Defense Brigadier Abdullah Al-Jiddawi said initial investigations showed that the fire was caused by children playing near a fire source. Details were not immediately available on how exactly the children caused the fire. The Civil Defense's operations room received a call from the family's father and immediately dispatched its firefighter and rescue teams. They succeeded in rescuing six people, but were not able to rescue the young woman and the baby. Al-Jiddawi warned parents to be vigilant about their children playing near sources of fire.