nasair celebrated the launch of new route Riyadh - Mumbai - Riyadh as of March 31, 2010 with frequency of 4 flights in week and at a promotional prices starting from SR250. Rajeev Shahare, minister/deputy chief of Indian mission, Riyadh and Bandar Al Mohnna, deputy CEO, National Air Services (NAS) and a number of senior officials of King Khalid International Airport in Riyadh (KKIA) participated in the celebration. Al Mohnna said nasair plan of expanding there routes by operating to three more destinations in India during the next three months, covering the cities of Delhi, Calicut and Kochi. Also, nasair plans to lunch new destination's to Sudan, Turkey and Aleppo - Syria before the end of 2010, bringing the number of destination's domestically and internationally to 30 destinations with more than 400 flights weekly. Al Mohnna further said that while nasair is celebrating its 3rd anniversary, it currently works to continue its ambitious plans that enabled the company to carry more than 3,300,000 passengers during last three years.