An upcoming Fox News Channel special hosted by Sarah Palin is titled “Real American Stories.” But rapper-actor LL Cool J says his participation in the show was bogus. In response, the network has snipped him from the program. In a Twitter posting late Tuesday, the entertainer wrote that Fox “lifted an old interview I gave in 2008 to someone else and are misrepresenting to the public in order to promote Sarah Palins Show. WOW.” Country singer Toby Keith was similarly caught by surprise, his publicist said Wednesday. Elaine Schock said a radio reporter contacted her Tuesday seeking details about Keith's announced appearance on Palin's Fox News program. “I said, ‘You're wrong. There is no Sarah Palin special with Toby Keith on it on Fox,”' Schock said. She said the reporter then e-mailed her the press release issued by Fox News, which said Keith would “explain the inspiration behind his song ‘Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue.”' Originally listed as part of the show were former General Electric boss Jack Welch and LL Cool J in a segment called “In Their Own Words.” Credits for the 42-year-old actor include a starring role in the hit CBS freshman series “NCIS: Los Angeles” and several films such as “Last Holiday” and “S.W.A.T.”