The Gulf week on oral health was launched at King Fahd Hospital here on Saturday. Inaugurating the week under the theme “Your health is in your Smile”, Dr. Sami Badawood, Director of Jeddah Health Affairs, said that the initiative came from recommendations of the 66th conference of the Gulf Health Ministers Board Council. Talking to Saudi Gazette, Dr. Fawzi Al-Ghamdi, General Director of the Dental Medicine Department in Jeddah Health Affairs, spoke about the importance of developing a culture of health protection. “Our aim is to focus on the importance of diseases of the mouth which affect many people. We are also trying to convince people that “prevention is better than cure,” he said. A number of campaigns, he said, will be launched in several medical centers, hospitals and malls during the week. Al-Ghamdi confirmed that a number of workshops will be held and that mobile dental clinics will visit schools and malls to provide free treatment to people